Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hotel-Atractions and Restaurant Savings

Hotel, Restaurant and Attraction savings!
If you are planning your next vacation or live in or if you just traveling to any major city, purchase an "Entertainment" or Coupon book- they offer percent and flat money off of all kinds of restaurants, hotels, car rentals, movie theatres, doughnut shops, and sightseeing and tour companies.
All the large cities have publications that break down by geographic, neighborhood or suburban areas. Also do an internet search on a Search Engine like Google for coupons, free coupons, or sign up to get email alerts from travel websites to be able to save in a hotel reservation, such as, Futurevacations.com etc. These sites usually offer hotels to major destinations.

Check this website for huge "Restaurant Savings" -http://www.couponmom.com/
Save money on your next Vacation.

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